

英文儿歌大全    第66集    The bear went over the mountain儿歌


The bear went over the mountain小熊翻过一座山,它能看到什么呢?The bear went over the mountain是首轻快的英文儿歌,歌词也简短朗朗上口。语速慢,特别适合宝宝学唱。he bear went over the mountain 视频一起学起来吧!

The bear went over the mountain歌词:

The bear went over the mountain

The bear went over the mountain

The bear went over the mountain

To see what he could see

And all that he could see

And all that he could see

Was the other side of the mountain

The other side of the mountain

The other side of the mountain

Was all that he could see

The bear went over the river

The bear went over the river

The bear went over the river

To see what he could see

And all that he could see

And all that he could see

Was the other side of the river

The other side of the river

The other side of the river

Was all that he could see

For he's a jolly good fellow

For he's a jolly good fellow

For he's a jolly good fellow

Which nobody can deny

Which nobody can deny

Which nobody can deny

For he's a jolly good fellow

For he's a jolly good fellow

For he's a jolly good fellow

Which nobody can deny





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