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初中英语作文 A good thing一件好事

2013年07月01日 10:12编辑:anke来源:互联网
导读:这篇初中英语作文讲述了一件好事(a good thing),在学校运动会上发生的事。运动会后,操场上扔了很多垃圾,包括瓶瓶罐罐,我们收集起来,卖钱制住贫困学生。
标签: 初中英语作文

  Yesterday, our school held a school sports meeting on the playground. At the end of the school sports meeting, there was much litter on the playground. The students threw litter onto the ground, such as wastepaper and plastic bottles. It looked so dirty that I asked my classmates to collect them with me. After a few hours, we collected bottles more 100. We took them to a recycling center, and then we sold them. We used the money to take part in fund-raising for poor children. The children were very happy!
