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小升初英语作文:最有趣的事The most interesting thing

2013年10月18日 15:47编辑:anke来源:互联网
导读:这是一篇小升初英语作文,为大家介绍了作者心中最有趣的事情(the most interesting thing),那就是学习英语…

小升初英语作文:最有趣的事The most interesting thing

  To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me.My answer will be English.Now I am a student,everyday I have more than one English classes,I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well,so I can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things,it is very useful.

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