

2019年06月06日 14:26出处:亲亲宝贝网作者:yw阅读次数:30745


The attempt to redefine the family as a purely voluntary arrangement grows out of the modern delusion that people can keep all their options open all the time.- Christopher Lasch

To nourish children and raise them against odds is in any time, any place, more valuable than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons.- Marilyn French

Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn't listening.- Emma Thompson

When a family is free of abuse and oppression, it can be the place where we share our deepest secrets and stand the most exposed, a place where we learn to feel distinct without being "better," and sacrifice for others without losing ourselves.- Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Home is the place where boys and girls first learn how to limit their wishes, abide by rules, and consider the rights and needs of others.- Sidonie Gruenberg

Don't hold your parents up to contempt. After all, you are their son, and it is just possible that you may take after them.- Evelyn Waugh

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.- Carl Sandburg

The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants.- William Shakespeare

If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.- George Bernard Shaw

No matter how many communes anybody invents, the family always creeps back.- Margaret Mead

In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right, but they may be, and usually are, both wrong. It is this situation which gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm.- Isaac Rosenfeld

All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.- Leo Tolstoy

As states subsist in part by keeping their weaknesses from being known, so is it the quiet of families to have their chancery and their parliament within doors, and to compose and determine all emergent differences there.- John Donne

There was a time when ladies knew nothing, beyond their own family concerns; but in the present day there are many who know nothing about them. Each of these extremes should be avoided. (1831)


